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Friday, May 27, 2005

My Babies Posted by Hello

Alyssa Janel Spence

Today is my first grandgirl's birthday.
Seven years old going on 17!
The love of my heart.
No one could ever have told me how wonderful it is to be "Nana".
I sit and watch my grandbabies play and I am overwhelmed at what a precious gift grandchildren are.
They make me laugh and cry. They delight my soul.
We play together and I become a child again. Sometimes I even giggle with them.
I allow them to do things that I never would have let my son do.
They are exempt from the minor rules I had for my son.
(Just deal with it Jimmy)
The oldest one brought a healing to me that was one of the two most devastating times in my life. The second one brought laughter into my life...and I haven't stopped laughing yet.
The love and acceptance I get from them is so pure and sweet.
If you are contemplating having children, do so, so they will give you grandchildren.

Thank you Lord for my babies!

Happy Birthday Little girl, Nana loves you!!!


Monday, May 23, 2005


"Finally, all of you should be of one mind, full of sympathy toward each other, loving one another with tender hearts and humble minds. "
1 Peter 3:8 NLT
Families were Gods' unique idea from the beginning.
There is no greater institution, no better group of people to affect positive change in the world than the family.
Nowhere can the truth of God's Word be more effectively taught and modeled. Conversely, there is no institution, no group of people with more power and ability to destroy a person than the family.
The failure of parents to teach spiritual truths to their children directly impacts their relationship with God and how they treat others.

I want to teach my family...and I want to taught by them.

My family is the most important treasure that I have on Earth.
I am affected greatly by what they do...what they they act...and how they feel.
I have lost many loved ones through death, and some through other circumstances. Both caused much pain. I live with it ...I'll die with it.
But I won't be separted from God by it.
Any comments?

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