Do you know a man that is so spoiled that he stinks?
I do!!!
My son.
He lives with four women...need I say more?
Now, what one female in this house doesn't do for him...another one will.
I "mother" him...which Kristy, (his wife), says is sickening. What else does a mother do?
Kristy...you wouldn't believe all the things she does for him. There is not enough room for it all here!
And the girls...OH MY...you really wouldn't believe that one.
One day, the oldest, Alyssa, was in my room.
We were just hanging out. And all of a sudden she jumps up and says, "I think I'll go rub Daddy's head".
Of course he was lying on the couch. Probably watching Sponge Bob.
The little one, Alexandria, takes cotton balls and strokes his face.
Now the dog, Oswald, (Oswaldjamesonhickyspence), he's every one's best friend and worst enemy! But he does his share of preferring Jimmy in some ways too.
I know there are some drawbacks in being the only man in the family with four "ladies".
Flying hormones!!! We have it covered ladies...PMS. Pre~~~Present~~~Post.
But, we are pleasant through it all. ;-) Of course!!!
Are we crazy? Yes, I guess so. We are crazy about him! Poor man...it must be rough living with four women.
I love you Sun!!! "spelling intended"