Should we?
You call me Teacher and Lord; and you are right, for so I am.If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.
For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.John 13:13-15
This is a scripture that I would like to see some comment on.
I've been to churches that observe this practice and those that don't.
Please share your thoughts with me.
Jan -
Just found your blog. Love you. I have been a part of several foot washing services and they ministered to me in a big way and I was able to see what God did in others also. I was blessed and humbled to receive from others, I have a heart to serve, I find it harder to receive.
Hi Susan!!!
So good to hear from you.
I check you out often. Commented once but it must have gotten lost or something.
Thanks for you comment...don't hear much about this subject.
I love you...would love to see you.
You can take it literally and wash eash others feet...
or in an act that symbolises the 'servanthood' of feet washing into every day life, thus becoming a servant to all...
I'm with EB on this one (you know how I feel about feet). I agree with Susan about it being harder to receive, just like you were saying about letting someone else take care of me when I am sick. It is easier for me to do the taking care of then to have someone else take care of me. I would rather "wash your feet" than have you "wash" mine, like Peter I guess I feel like I should be doing the washing.
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