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Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Dark Room

The Dark Room

After being lost in the woods, you find an empty cabin.
You enter and this is what you find in the cabin.
There is a wood burning stove with a large unopened can of frozen beans on top, a kerosene lamp, and a fireplace full of dry wood in the room.
The problem is that you have only one match.

This is your situation.
It is winter and freezing, both outside and inside the cabin.
You are starving, but there are the beans on the stove.
You are cold, but there is the wood in the fireplace.
It is the dead of night and you can barely see. But there is the lantern. Which would you light first?
Make your decision.

The Match!!!

Although this is a joke by an unknown author, it has great truth in it when you understand that all too often we focus on the secondary things before conquering the primary.

I was going to light the lamp first.


At 4:46 PM, Blogger Pilgrim in Progress said...

THAT was funny. Thanks!

At 7:07 PM, Blogger We Three Spences said...


That was great, I would have said the fireplace because it would provide warmth, light, and you could cook over it, but you are a smart alick so I should have known something was up with this question.

Love you toots

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Donna said...

I was going to say the fireplace too.


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