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Saturday, December 11, 2004

The Santa Clause

The Saturday afternoon movie on television was The Santa Clause. I have seen this movie several times. Today, however a part struck me in a way it never had before. The mother and step-father of little Charlie are sitting outside of the judge's office awaiting the decision of visitation issues. They are talking about whether or not Charlie is too old to believe in Santa. They are sharing their memories of exactly when they stopped believing in Santa. This is the part that grabbed me. They didn't stop believing because their friends didn't believe, their parents told them the truth, or they saw something suspicious like their parents putting presents under the tree. They stopped believing because Santa didn't bring them the toy they wanted. Is that how we are?????????? Does this attitude contribute to the reason so many people do not believe in our Lord? Are we that spoiled that we refuse something so holy because "we didn't get the toy we asked for"? Don't we realize that God knows what we need and that sometimes what we ask for is simply not what we need? In the words of Garth Brooks.......
Sometimes I thank God
for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talkin'
to the man upstairs
That just because He doesn't answer
doesn't mean He don't care
Some of God's greatest gifts
are unanswered prayers
That's all, Kristy


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