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Thursday, February 03, 2005


Do you ever feel like you are overdrawn in any area of your life? Your marriage, finances, social, or spiritual experiences? When Jimmy and I got married his mother (Jan) requested that we speak to a couple that she knew who had a wonderful marriage. The advice they gave us that day was the best advice I have ever gotten and can be applied to any part of your life. The basic point is that your marriage should be looked at like a bank account. You put in money (compliments, doing for each other, love) and then your account has a balance. Then when you withdraw (argue, struggle with things) you are subtracting from your balance. You can't let yourself take our more money than you have put in....or you will be bankrupt (resentful, bitter, lonely, etc......) . This works for pretty much any situation I can think of.

Marriage.....You have to compliment and be loving more than you argue or you will end up resenting each other.

Finances.....Making sure you put more money in your account than taking out may require cutting the bills down to the bare necessities. Because we all know what happens when you can't pay the bills.

Friends.....You have to give to your friends (time, sharing, love, trust) before you can expect anything in return, and taking more than you give usually means a friend who will ditch at the first sign of trouble.

Time....If you are pressed for time for the things, make time by cutting out the things you don't "need" to do so your time will be worth more spent on things you do need to do.

Spiritual....Same concept here too, If you want to be worth listening to when you speak of God and His Word, you have to fill up your account with it first, then you can give it out.

I think you are probably getting the hint here. The one thing that is very important to remember about this advice, is to keep filling the account up after you have used a portion of something. If you find that something isn't working in a way that you have peace with, then find what that bank account needs and fill it up before you go any further.

Just some advice......take it....or leave it.....but think about it first



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