Now, before I even start to write this, I want you to understand that I am not whining about last year and the troubles that came with it. Not at all so!
God gave us amazing blessings. He does far more than we expect most of the time.
The mercy and grace was so real to us at times that it was overwhelming.
So, realize I am not being negitive...I'm just sharing a thought from my garden.
I guess this time of the year each one of us looks back on last year and what it brought our way.
I hear so many people say that last year stunk, or that it was the worst year ever...and so on, and so on.
We had some very disturbing things happen also. (we do every year)
And Yes, God was with us. He always has been, and always will be.
We look to the new year always hoping that maybe, it will be easier. Rarely so!
Last year was hard. This year has already been hard.
We have experienced, in just three weeks, several extremely harsh situations.
These things were totally out of my control.
One, though horribly painful, I think I handled well. God was most gracious and merciful in this situation.
The second...I think not! I haven't handled it well at all!
Although I have prayed about it, I am still struggling with it.
I know God will help me because He is the only one that can.
Not even my level-headed Dil can "talk me down" on this one. (she's such a doll!)
Can anyone help...Nope. Just "He and me" on this one.
I think I need to read the beatitudes again!
Am I going to pray for an easier year? doesn't happen that way.
I'm just going to pray for more grace.
Proverbs says that God's mercies are new every morning.
I believe that. Do you?
Be of good cheer...God is faithful!

From The Unused Corners Of Our Minds!
About Me
- Name: We Three Spences
- Location: Indiana, United States
~~~~Jan~~~~I'm a daughter, mother, mother-in-law, NANA, and a friend. I have a wonderful lot of people in my life and have room for more. My family is my passion and my God is beyond compare. There are two things that I know for fact in life...God loves me, and that He is faithful! He shows me every day................................................... ~~~~Kristy~~~~I am woman. Need I say more???
blessings, sister...
And to you Kind Sir.
Thanks for stopping in!
you may if you will, smash my head against a wall if it will help...dil
Don't be cruel Woman...xo!
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