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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Meet my teacher....Mrs...Don't know what she's teaching

True story......

My friend told me about a paper that her daughter brought home from school. Apparently, her daughter didn't bring the middle of her M's all the way down, and if she continued with this points would be taken from her papers. Then there was a note to the side that said, "Must for letters." THE TEACHER HAD FORGOTTEN TO PUT HER M AT THE END OF FORM!!! So instead of my friend's daughter being able to understand that she needed to form her letters correctly, she came to her mother with, "what does that sentence mean?"

Which leads me to this fascinating story......In Illinois of 5,200 teachers, who had been teaching, failed a basic skills exam. An exam which is supposed to be easy for an eighth or ninth grade student.

Here is a link so you can read more about it.

I leave with one question......Who is teaching your child?????



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